Community service at Nummela

Now in Skene it is possible to carry out community service (and Supervision of conditional release etc.) two days a week. The venue is the beautiful farm Hannula, about 4 km from the center of Nummela. The ride from center of Nummela to the service place is possible from Skene if the ride becomes a challenge.
If you're interested in carrying out a community service at Hannula, talk to your supervisor.
In addition to serving a sentence, the goal is to increase the client’s understanding of the causes of the crime and to look for alternatives to the situation. The job service can also take advantage of Green Care, which aims to increase the client's well-being and promote his or her quality of life through inclusion and experience. This is done using a variety of animal and nature aid methods. Other methods used include motivational discussion that reinforces motivation for change, different cognitive - behavioral methods, and a resource - oriented rehabilitation method "Good Lives Model".